Bernt Michael Holmboes minneprisAbelprisenHolmboeprisen

Holmboesymposiet mandag 22. mai 2017

Program for dagen

Som vanlig er både prisutdelingen, lunsjen og Holmboesymposiet i Oslo katedralskoles lokaler. Prisutdelingen er åpen for alle, men Holmboesymposiet (inklusive lunsj) krever påmelding.

10:00 – 11:10 Holmboeprisutdeling i Oslo katedralskoles aula. Kunnskapsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen overrekker prisen. Årets Abelprisvinner vil være til stede. Alle bør være på plass senest kl. 09:45.
11:15 – 15:15Holmboesymposiet (se påmeldingsskjema nedenfor)
11:15 – 12:00 Lunsj
12:00 – 12:45 Årets Holmboeforedrag ved prisvinneren Hanan Mohamed Abdelrahman: I feel good
13:00 – 13:45 Professor Jo Boaler, Stanford University: Opening Mathematics: The Importance of Brain Science and Mindset to Mathematics Teaching and Learning part 1
13:45 – 14:15 Kaffepause
14:15 – 15:00 Professor Jo Boaler, Stanford University: Opening mathematics … part 2
15:00 – 15:15 Avslutning

Hjertelig velkommen!

Brynjulf Owren
Leder i Norsk matematikkråd

Oslo katedralskole
Påmelding til Holmboesymposiet

Foredrag tirsdag 23. mai 2017

Jo Boaler vil også holde to foredrag i auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern:

10:15 – 11:00 Opening Mathematics: The Importance of Brain Science and Mindset to Mathematics Teaching and Learning.

We are in the midst of a revolution, in the science of the brain and learning. New knowledge from brain science is showing a clear path for mathematics learning, that is both exciting and inspiring for teachers. In recent years scientific studies have also demonstrated that student and teacher ‘mindsets’ have a profound impact on learning. Students with a ‘growth mindset’ who believe that intelligence and ‘smartness’ can be learned and that the brain can grow from exercise learn more effectively, displaying a desire for challenge and showing resilience in the face of failure. Such behaviors encourage greater mathematics persistence, engagement and high achievement. Mathematics teachers and parents play a critical role in the development of mindsets and this session will review the new and exciting science of the brain and mindset. In the first part of today we will consider together - through classroom videos and mathematical activities - ways to create empowering student pathways through open, creative mathematics infused with brain and mindset messages.

11:15 – 12:00 Mathematical Openness and Creativity: The Path to Gender Equality in Mathematics Learning & Participation.

Girls and boys have equal mathematics potential and achievement, but girls are less likely to pursue higher level mathematics courses and work. This, I will contend, is due to the ways we teach mathematics and the messages girls receive, in and outside of classrooms. In this session we will consider research on gender equity and mindset, and discuss the implications for mathematics teaching and learning. We will consider ways to empower and liberate women and girls, mathematically, looking together at the evidence of particular equity interventions. For more information see: